Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Blackberry Indicator Icon and Notification message

Today I want to share some interesting topic was display indicator icon and notification message on blackberry. That is use to display push notification, custom alert, reminder etc. I have user to notification and indicator icon on task management application.

1. Create Blackberry application new project ex: "testmessageIndicator".

2. Create new class "DemoMessage.java" and copy following code
package mypackage;

import java.util.Date;

import net.rim.blackberry.api.messagelist.ApplicationMessage;
import net.rim.device.api.system.*;

 * This class provides a sample implementation of the ApplicationMessage
 * interface. It demonstrates how an application can define its own message
 * formats for use with the message store.
public final class DemoMessage implements ApplicationMessage
    static final int DEMO_MESSAGE_TYPE = 0x01;

    private String _sender;
    private String _subject;
    private String _message;
    private long _receivedTime;
    private boolean _isNew;
    private boolean _deleted;
    private String _replyMessage;
    private long _replyTime;
    private EncodedImage _previewPicture;

     * Creates a new DemoMesage object
    public DemoMessage()
        _isNew = true;

     * Constructs a DemoMessage object with specified properties
     * @param sender The name of the sender
     * @param subject The subject of the message
     * @param message The body of the message
     * @param receivedTime The time stamp for when the message was received
   public DemoMessage(String sender, String subject, String message, long receivedTime)
        _sender = sender;
        _subject = subject;
        _message = message;
        _receivedTime = receivedTime;
        _isNew = true;

     * Stores the reply message and sets the reply time
     * @param message The reply message
    void reply(String message)
        _replyMessage = message;
        _replyTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

     * Marks this message as deleted
    void messageDeleted()
        _isNew = false;
        _deleted = true;

     * Marks this message as new
    void markAsNew()
        _isNew = true;
        _replyMessage = null;

     * Marks this message as read
    void markRead()
        _isNew = false;

     * Indicates whether this message is new or not
     * @return True if the message is new, false otherwise
    boolean isNew()
        return _isNew;

     * Indicates whether this message has been replied to or not
     * @return True if the message has been replied to, false otherwise
    boolean hasReplied()
        return _replyMessage != null;

     * Sets the name of the sender who sent this message
     * @param sender The name of the sender
    void setSender(String sender)
        _sender = sender;

     * Sets the subject of this message
     * @param subject The subject of this message
    void setSubject(String subject)
        _subject = subject;

     * Sets the time at which this message was received
     * @param receivedTime The time at which this message was received
    void setReceivedTime(long receivedTime)
        _receivedTime = receivedTime;

     * Sets the message body
     * @param message The message body
    void setMessage(String message)
        _message = message;

     * Retrieves the message body
     * @return The message body
    String getMessage()
        return _message;

     * Sets the preview picture for this message
     * @param image The desired preview picture of this message
    void setPreviewPicture(EncodedImage image)
        _previewPicture = image;

    // Implementation of ApplicationMessage ------------------------------------
     * @see net.rim.blackberry.api.messagelist.ApplicationMessage#getContact()
    public String getContact()
        return _sender;

     * @see net.rim.blackberry.api.messagelist.ApplicationMessage#getStatus()
    public int getStatus()
    {  // Form message list status based on current message state
            return MyApp.STATUS_NEW;
            return MyApp.STATUS_DELETED;
        if(_replyMessage != null)
            return MyApp.STATUS_REPLIED;
        return MyApp.STATUS_OPENED;

     * @see net.rim.blackberry.api.messagelist.ApplicationMessage#getSubject()
    public String getSubject()
        if(_replyMessage != null)
            return "Re: " + _subject;
            return _subject;

     * @see net.rim.blackberry.api.messagelist.ApplicationMessage#getTimestamp()
    public long getTimestamp()
        return _receivedTime;

     * @see net.rim.blackberry.api.messagelist.ApplicationMessage#getType()
    public int getType()
        // All messages have the same type
        return DEMO_MESSAGE_TYPE;

     * @see net.rim.blackberry.api.messagelist.ApplicationMessage#getPreviewText()
    public String getPreviewText()
        if(_message == null)
            return null;

        StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(_message);

        if(_replyMessage != null)
            buffer.append(". You replied on ").append(new Date(_replyTime)).append(": ").append(_replyMessage);

        return buffer.length() > 100 ? buffer.toString().substring(0, 100) + " ..." : buffer.toString();

     *@see net.rim.blackberry.api.messagelist.ApplicationMessage#getCookie(int)
    public Object getCookie(int cookieId)
        return null;

     * @see net.rim.blackberry.api.messagelist.ApplicationMessage#getPreviewPicture()
    public Object getPreviewPicture()
        return _previewPicture;

@source form MessageListDemo Demo example. This example you can also download from github.

3. Create new class " MyApp.java" and copy following code this is main class of application.
package mypackage;

import net.rim.blackberry.api.messagelist.ApplicationMessage;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.UiApplication;

 * This class extends the UiApplication class, providing a
 * graphical user interface.
public class MyApp extends UiApplication
     * Flag for replied messages. The lower 16 bits are RIM-reserved, so we have
     * to use higher 16 bits.
    static final int FLAG_REPLIED = 1 << 16;

     * Flag for deleted messages. The lower 16 bits are RIM-reserved, so we have
     * to use higher 16 bits.
    static final int FLAG_DELETED = 1 << 17;
 static final int BASE_STATUS = ApplicationMessage.Status.INCOMING;
    static final int STATUS_NEW = BASE_STATUS | ApplicationMessage.Status.UNOPENED;
    static final int STATUS_OPENED = BASE_STATUS | ApplicationMessage.Status.OPENED;
    static final int STATUS_REPLIED = BASE_STATUS | ApplicationMessage.Status.OPENED | FLAG_REPLIED;

     * Entry point for application
     * @param args Command line arguments (not used)
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Create a new instance of the application and make the currently
        // running thread the application's event dispatch thread.
        MyApp theApp = new MyApp();       

     * Creates a new MyApp object
    public MyApp()
        // Push a screen onto the UI stack for rendering.
        pushScreen(new MyScreen());
4. Now create MyScreen.java and copy following code this is display screen and initialize icon and message indicator. 5. Set Indicator icon on /img folder please set name "Indicator.png" if image name different then please specify on code.
import java.util.Vector;

import net.rim.blackberry.api.messagelist.ApplicationFolderIntegrationConfig;
import net.rim.blackberry.api.messagelist.ApplicationIcon;
import net.rim.blackberry.api.messagelist.ApplicationIndicator;
import net.rim.blackberry.api.messagelist.ApplicationIndicatorRegistry;
import net.rim.blackberry.api.messagelist.ApplicationMessageFolder;
import net.rim.blackberry.api.messagelist.ApplicationMessageFolderRegistry;
import net.rim.device.api.collection.ReadableList;
import net.rim.device.api.system.ApplicationDescriptor;
import net.rim.device.api.system.EncodedImage;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.container.MainScreen;

 * A class extending the MainScreen class, which provides default standard
 * behavior for BlackBerry GUI applications.
public final class MyScreen extends MainScreen
     * Creates a new MyScreen object
    public MyScreen()
  ReadableListImpl mylist= new ReadableListImpl();
        ApplicationMessageFolder folder = null;
        ApplicationFolderIntegrationConfig config = new   ApplicationFolderIntegrationConfig(true, true, ApplicationDescriptor.currentApplicationDescriptor());
             folder = ApplicationMessageFolderRegistry.getInstance().registerFolder(0x33c7ce29883abe5fL, "Test Folder", new ReadableListImpl(),config );

        }else {
             folder = ApplicationMessageFolderRegistry.getInstance().getApplicationFolder(0x33c7ce29883abe5fL);
        //DemoMessage source is available in the messagelistdemo.
        DemoMessage msg = new DemoMessage("me@here.com", "Pizza Toppings","What would you like on your pizza?", System.currentTimeMillis());


        System.out.println("nr of messages"+folder.hasNewMessages());

        ApplicationIndicatorRegistry reg = ApplicationIndicatorRegistry.getInstance();
         EncodedImage image = EncodedImage.getEncodedImageResource("Indicator.png" );
            ApplicationIcon icon = new ApplicationIcon( image );
        ApplicationIndicator indicator = reg.register( icon, false, true);
        ApplicationIndicator appIndicator = reg.getApplicationIndicator();
        appIndicator.setValue(appIndicator.getValue() + 1);
       // appIndicator.setNotificationState(true);

     * This is an implementation of the ReadableList interface which stores the
     * list of messages using a Vector.
    static class ReadableListImpl implements ReadableList
        private Vector messages;

         * Creates a empty instance of ReadableListImpl
            messages = new Vector();

         * @see net.rim.device.api.collection.ReadableList#getAt(int)
        public Object getAt(int index)
            return messages.elementAt(index);

         * @see net.rim.device.api.collection.ReadableList#getAt(int, int, Object[], int)
        public int getAt(int index, int count, Object[] elements, int destIndex)
            return 0;

         * @see net.rim.device.api.collection.ReadableList#getIndex(Object)
        public int getIndex(Object element)
            return messages.indexOf(element);

         * @see net.rim.device.api.collection.ReadableList#size()
        public int size()
            return messages.size();

         * Add a message to this list
         * @param message The message to add to this list
        void addMessage(DemoMessage message)

         * Removes a message from this list
         * @param message The message to remove from this list
        void removeMessage(DemoMessage message)

6. Run application.
7. Output
Indicator Icon display:

Notification Icon display: